Virtual Test Session
To register, go to Entryeeze.
Make sure you are not signed in.
Go to Membership/Testing and click on Find a Test Session.
Enter zip code and max distance since this is virtual. (we use 9999)
You have 14 days from the date the test was recorded to the deadline of the test. Be sure to choose one that works with your date.
Make sure it says "virtual" in the title.
Fill out information.
Check with your coach if you are unsure about what test you are submitting.
You will need 3 documents. They will be available at registration or will be emailed
Virtual Test Affidavit (Judges need official documentation)
A photo-release (Allow us the rights to upload your video)
Instructions. (How to video, etc)
Permission to Test Form can be found in your Entry eeze account. Log in and look for Download Permission Form button.
Be sure to log out to view available test sessions.
Example of how we run our tests below FEFSC only tests.
The first two should be filled out, signed, and uploaded back to Entryeeze with your video. If you can only attach one document, upload the Virtual Test Affidavit and email the photo release to
Log in to skaters Entryeeze.
Click on Test Session as shown below
Next screen you will see, click on Manage My Video as shown below
Then you will see, if you are on a cell phone and don't see the upload file option, try turning your phone sideways. Choose file, then click on upload file. You will see a staus bar, and when it's done you will NOT get a confirmation that the file has been uploaded, but you will be able to see
If you have any questions, please contact us at