
Florida Everblades Figure Skating Club


Who can be a Volunteer?

Anyone can volunteer for a skating competition, skaters, parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, or friends. Volunteers are what make competitions successful! Everyone is here with the same goal in mind for the skaters to have a great time. Don’t forget that volunteering for this event will count as FEFSC figure skating club hours! No experience necessary! Even an hour would be a great help.

How will I know what to do?

We will have a Volunteer Meeting before the event to go over the details and answer all of your questions. Volunteers should arrive 15 minutes before their scheduled volunteer shift. Sign in at the Registration Desk and a volunteer will walk you through your duties before your shift begins.


Registration is one of the most important jobs of a competition. Skaters check in at the registration desk when first arriving to the competition. Volunteers working registration are responsible for checking skaters in, giving them their “goodie bags”, collecting any outstanding fees, selling practice ice and answering any general questions.


Awards are one of the most gratifying jobs of a competition. Volunteers at the awards table are responsible for organizing the winning skaters of each group, announcing the winners, directing them to the proper place on the podium and presenting each skater with their medal or ribbon. Awards are located near the podium.

Ice Monitors

Ice Monitors are responsible for keeping the competition running on time. Ice Monitor volunteers are responsible for checking in skaters prior to competition time, lining up skaters before warm up groups, communicating with judges, announcers and the competition director of any issues that arise with a group and to keep the entrance to the ice arena clear of non-competitors or skating officials. Ice Monitors are stationed rink side with a clipboard, be sure to wear something warm.


Announcers are the voice of the competition. Announcers are responsible for announcing warm up groups, events and skaters names during the competition. They also keep cds in skating order and usually have an assistant to help them play music. Announcers should be responsible and organized, this job is done in rinkside, be sure to wear something warm.


Music Players assist the announcer with the playing of competition music, keep cds in skating order, are  good listeners and can take direction well from the announcer. Music players should be responsible and organized. This job is done rink side, be sure to wear something warm.


This is a fun job for skaters 13+. Runners are responsible for delivering the judges marks to the accounting room and to the awards table. Volunteers should not interfere with the judges. Volunteers do not actually “run” but should deliver the marks in a timely manner. Runners are stationed rink side, be sure to wear something warm.