Florida Everblades Figure Skating Club relies on its volunteers to keep our costs at a minimum, and we require 10 volunteer hours per family per year!
Any spare time that members and their families can donate will help to ensure the continued growth and success of our club. We appreciate all of your help and look forward to a great year!
Opportunities to Serve or Volunteer Throughout the Year:
Test Sessions:
Donations are needed for the following items for the coaches and judges hospitality rooms: Crock pots, coffee makers, water, juice, breakfast items, sandwiches, fruit, canned soups, crackers, cheese, paper plates, napkins, plastic bowls, plastic silverware
Paradise Coast Classic Competition:
Our annual competition is held the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday before Labor Day each year. We need MANY hands throughout this weekend!! (You can see some of the job descriptions on the main part of our Volunteer page.
Halloween and Other Parties:
Holiday Show/Spring Show:
Annual Meeting:
Annual Awards Dinner:
Connect With FEFSC!
Opportunities to Serve or Volunteer Now:
Volunteer Opportunities
FEFSC Members
All volunteer hours are logged in Entryeeze. If you are missing hours, please contact